Dr. Dave A. Seerattan
Lecturer - Coordinator – MSc Global Studies Programme
Institute of International Relations
Financial innovations , financial regulations , financial market microstructure , global foreign exchange markets , mutual fund performance in the Caribbean , fiscal reforms in the Caribbean and business strategy , competitiveness in the Caribbean |
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Ms. Ariel McCaskie
Assistant Lecturer
Department of Economics
Financial Innovation , Alternative Investments , Corporate Strategy , Foreign Exchange Markets |
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Ms. Corinne Gregoire
Labour Markets , Poverty , Inequality |
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Mr. Eric Maitrejean
Lecturer - French Language; Undergraduate Coordinator - French
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Interpreting , French as a Foreign Language , Theatre in Foreign Language Education |
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Dr. Georgina Mary Chami
Research Fellow - Internship Coordinator
Institute of International Relations
Peace and security , Global governance and international organizations. , Peace and security , Global governance and international organizations. |
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Ms. Laura Bigram
IT Officer
The Alma Jordan Library
cybersecurity , software development , information assurance |
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Laura Lopez Calonge
Visiting Foreign Language Lecturer - Spanish Language (AECID)
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Foreign Language Education , Teaching Spanish as a Second Language through literary texts , Grammar and phonic skills in second language acquisition |
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Mr. Romulo Guedez-Fernandez
Foreign Language Instructor III
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Second/Foreign Language Assessment , Second/Foreing Language Education , ELT & Global Englishes |
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Dr. Chumah Amaefule
Corporate Insolvency , Banking , International Banking Law and Aspects of the financial markets' regulation |
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Dr. Beverly-Anne Carter
Centre for Language Learning
Foreign language education at the tertiary level , Learner autonomy in language learning , Teacher/learner beliefs , Language policy and planning , ESL/FL teacher training , Foreign language education at the tertiary level , Learner autonomy in language learning , Teacher/learner beliefs , Language policy and planning , ESL/FL teacher training |
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