Experts Directory/Scholar Search

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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Mr. Lincoln Williams Director Consortium for Social Development and Research / Interim Director OCAS Consortium for Social Development and Research Contact U.W.I
Prof. Beatrice Sylvie Boufoy-Bastick Professor - Language and Culture, Coordinator for the French Section Modern Languages and Linguistics Political Methodology , Foundations of Political Theory , Comparative Democratization Contact U.W.I
Mrs. NICOLE FOSTER LAW LECTURER & HEAD, LAW AND HEALTH RESEARCH UNIT Global health law , International human rights law , International trade law , Regional integration , International dispute settlement Contact U.W.I
Neisha Manickchand Climate Change , Sustainable Development Contact U.W.I
Dr. David Rampersad Executive Director - Central Office for Regional and International Affairs (CORIA) Campus Office of Planning and Institutional Research (COPIR) Contact U.W.I
Mrs. Cherill Farrell Librarian Institute of International Relations Cooperation between University Libraries and Departmental Libraries , Leadership and Management Contact U.W.I
Prof. Jessica Mary Byron-Reid Director Institute of International Relations Communication and Media , Social Policy , Comparative Politics Contact U.W.I
Dr. Michelle Veronica Scobie Senior Lecturer Institute of International Relations Environmental governance , developing states Contact U.W.I
Ms. Myrna Andrea Douglas Librarian, Head Law Branch Library Law librarianship (Caribbean and International & Comparative Law Librarianship) , Legal Research , Law Library Collection Development and Management , Intellectual Property and Libraries , Cataloguing Contact U.W.I
Dr. Deborah Natasha Mcfee Outreach and Research Officer Institute of Gender and Development Studies women , gender and trade , women , gender , crime and human security , gender and development , gender policy development and implementation (participatory and alternative) , gender sensitive capacity building for organizational and institutional strengthening , gender statistics and the construction of gender related development indicators , gender and global governance Contact U.W.I