Dr. Deborah Natasha Mcfee
Outreach and Research Officer
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
women , gender and trade , women , gender , crime and human security , gender and development , gender policy development and implementation (participatory and alternative) , gender sensitive capacity building for organizational and institutional strengthening , gender statistics and the construction of gender related development indicators , gender and global governance |
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Dr. Natasha Sobers
Senior Lecturer
Implementation of cardiovascular disease prevention programmes , Non-communicable Disease Surveillance , NCD policy implementation , Epidemiological modelling , NCD disease registry development , Implementation of cardiovascular disease prevention programmes , Social determinants of cardiovascular disease , Non-communicable Disease Surveillance , NCD policy implementation |
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Ms. Tivia Collins
Research Assistant - Editorial Assistant - Online Journal (C R G S)
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
Feminist Geography , Critical Geography , Grounded Theory , Action Research , Area Studies , Caribbean Studies , Caribbean Feminist Theory , Caribbean Sexuality , Policy Analysis/Policy Studies |
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Dr. Daniele Bobb
Institute for Gender and Development Studies Nita Barrow Unit
Gender and Development , Women and Work , Government and Social Policies , Gender and trade , Mothering and motherhood |
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Prof. Patricia Mohammed
Professor - Chair, School for Graduate Studies and Research
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
Aesthetics , Visual Sociology , Social Policy |
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Dr. Kai-Ann Skeete
Trade Research Fellow
Shridath Ramphal Centre - Masters in International Trade Policy
Regionalism , Caribbean International Relations , Geopolitics , CSME , Implementation Deficits , International Trade , Latin American Foreign Policy , Governance |
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Dr. Sue-Ann Barratt
Assistant Lecturer
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
Language and gender , Human communication studies , Mass media and computer mediated communication , Carnival studies , Gender identities , Beauty and body image |
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Ms. Jacqueline Huggins
SLDD - Student Life and Development Department
Disability issues , gender issues , poverty |
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Dr. Halima-Sa'Adia Kassim
Senior Planning Officer
Office of Planning & Development
Social Policy , Qualitative Social Research , Quantitative Social Research |
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Dr. Tonya Haynes
Institute for Gender and Development Studies Nita Barrow Unit
Caribbean feminist thought , Caribbean feminisms , online feminisms , feminist intellectual history , gender and diabetes , Black women and diabetes , Sylvia Wynter |
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