Scholar Profile: Nicole Roberts

Bio Information

Dr. Nicole Roberts

Centre for Language Learning Faculty of Humanties and Education Director & Senior Lecturer in Spanish Active 662-2002 ext.82526 Check out my Website!

Nicole Roberts is a Senior Lecturer in Spanish at The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine campus and is the Director of the Centre for Language Learning (CLL). Her research work mainly explores race thinking and identity in the Afro-Hispanic Caribbean (Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic) and in the works of Afro-Hispanic women writers. She also researches innovation in foreign language learning and teaching. She is currently working on two book-length studies.

Research Interests

  1. Afro-Hispanic Literature
  2. Hispanic poetry
  3. Caribbean Women writers
  4. Race and ethnicity
  5. Innovation in Foreign Language
  6. Reading and Writing

Research Activity

Public Service

  1. [Public or Community Service]

    Chair, Ministry for Migrants and Refugees, St Finbar's Roman Catholic Church, Diego Martin more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


University Service

  1. [University Service]

    Director, Centre for Language Learning more..


    Contribution of > University Service


Education and Training

  1. Sorry, no information available as yet.


  1. [Membership]

    Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars more..

    Contribution of > Membership


  2. [Membership]

    Caribbean Studies Association more..

    Contribution of > Membership


  3. [Membership]

    Queen's University Alumni Association more..

    Contribution of > Membership


In the News

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Social Media

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Other Activities

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