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Search results for.."Plant Physiology":

  1. Advances of legume physiology and genetics in the Caribbean and their impact on development of selection criteria and screening/breeding strategies.? more..


    Umaharan, P and McDavid, CR and Butler, DR and Sukha, DA and Maharaj, K and Bekele, FL and Wood, BC and Clubbe, C and Gillman, MP and Hosie, L and others

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  2. Ontogeny of the alimentary canal and respiratory physiology of larval Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828): an intestinal air-breathing teleost more..


    Persaud, David I and Ramnarine, Indar W and Agard, John BR

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  3. Ontogeny of the alimentary canal and respiratory physiology of larval Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828): an intestinal air-breathing teleost more..


    Persaud, David I and Ramnarine, Indar W and Agard, John BR

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  4. Agriculture/Plant Biology more..

    Jacquet, O and Edon, C and Vaillant, J and Daugrois, JH and Flower, JM and Eudoxie, G and Ansari, AA and Wuddivira, MN and Stone, RJ and Ekwue, EI and others

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  5. Pharmacy Students' Perceptions and Usage of an Adaptive Learning Technology (SmartBook\textregistered) in Anatomy and Physiology in a Caribbean School of Pharmacy. more..


    Allison, Gillian L and Extavour, Rian Marie

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  6. Marchantia polymorpha L.: An Emerging Model Plant System to Study Contemporary Plant Biology–A Review more..


    Alam, Afroz and Pandey, Saumya

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  7. Marchantia polymorpha L.: An Emerging Model Plant System to Study Contemporary Plant Biology–A Review more..


    Alam, Afroz and Pandey, Saumya

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  8. Postharvest physiology and technology of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) fruit more..

    Pareek, Sunil and Benkeblia, Noureddine and Janick, Jules and Cao, Shifeng and Yahia, Elhadi M

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  9. Production of Plant Extracts by Supercritical Fluid Extraction more..

    Maharaj, Sharad and Watson, Marian J and Skeenec, Rosemarie and McGaw, David R

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  10. HSP70 and import of precursor proteins into plant mitochondria more..


    Perryman, Robert A and Mooney, Brian and Lennon, Adrian and Moore, Anthony L and Harmey, Matthew A

    Contribution of > ARTICLE
