Virtual health libraries; Nursing informatics and Evidence-based Medicine
Staff Member at the U.W.I
[Journal Article]
Trinidad and Tobago’s Contribution to BIREME’s MedCaribe Database more..2018
Ayaana Audra Alleyne CumberbatchAlleyne-Cumberbatch, Ayaana and Adams-Baptiste, Beverly and Ganessingh, Ray
[Journal Article]
BIREME’s MedCarib Database: Surviving the Challenges Experienced in Trinidad and Tobago more..2021
Ayaana Audra Alleyne CumberbatchCumberbatch, Ayaana Alleyne and Adams-Baptiste, Beverly and Ganessingh, Ray
[Journal Article]
Virtual Health Library Users in Trinidad and Tobago—What Do They Need? more..2013
Ayaana Audra Alleyne CumberbatchGosine-Boodoo, Meerabai and Randy, SIEW and Alleyne-Cumberbatch, Ayaana
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