Scholar Profile: Douglas-Wade Brunton

Bio Information

Dr. Douglas-Wade Brunton

Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies Faculty of Humanties and Education Lecturer - Communication Studies Active Check out my Website!
My Research Interests:

Race, Creolite´, Technology, Digital Studies, Culture


 Dr Brunton is a digital cultural theorist in the Department of Literary, Cultural, and Communication Studies. His research congregates under five themes: temporality, spatiality, identity, race, and culture; and engages at the nexus of identity and technology. Working through these themes, his current work is in redefining the creole as a technological construct, and theorising it as both method and cultural identity for use as a critical lens.

His work has appeared in the International Journal of Cultural Studies, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Social Media + Society, Souls, Data and Society and in edited collections. 

He is a member of the Caribbean Studies Association, the American Studies Association and the International Association of Media and Communication Researchers.

Research Interests

  1. Race
  2. Creolite´
  3. Technology
  4. Digital Studies
  5. Culture

Research Activity

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