Scholar Profile: Ian Craig

Bio Information

Dr. Ian Craig

Department of Language, Linguistics and Literature Faculty of Humanties and Education Senior Lecturer in Spanish Active (246) 417-4413 Check out my Website!

Ian Craig obtained his doctorate in Hispanic Studies from the University of London and has been at Cave Hill since 1999. His most recent research centers on study abroad and university internationalization in the Caribbean context.

He is currently Cave Hill Coordinator for the UWI-ICETEX Foreign Language Assistantship Programme, an exchange managed by the Latin American Caribbean Centre at UWI Centre that entails graduates of the Spanish programme sojourning in Colombia as English Assistants for nine months and Colombian Assistants working as Spanish Assistants at The UWI. He is also the current Chair of the Cave Hill Campus Library Committee. 

He is the co-founder with Professor John Plews of Saint Mary's University, Canada, of the Global Collective for Study Abroad Researchers and Administrators (GC-SARA). 

Research Interests

  1. Latin American Film
  2. Cuba
  3. Foreign Language Pedagogy
  4. Study Abroad and Student Mobility
  5. Hispanic Studies
  6. Translation Studies

Research Activity

Public Service

  1. [Public or Community Service]

    Technical Expert for FutureSpeak, a project within FutureBARBADOS, an initiative of the Barbados Prime Minister’s Office. more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


University Service

  1. Sorry, no information available as yet.

Education and Training

  1. [Education and Training]

    MA (with Distinction) in the Theory and Practice of Literary Translation more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training


  2. [Education and Training]

    PhD in Hispanic Studies more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training


  3. [Education and Training]

    BA in English and Spanish more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training



  1. [Membership]

    Global Collective for Study Abroad Researchers and Administrators more..

    Contribution of > Membership


  2. [Membership]

    STAR Scholars Network more..

    Contribution of > Membership


In the News

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Social Media

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Other Activities

  1. Sorry, no information available as yet.