Science Education, Science Teacher Education, Environmental and Sustainability Education, Climate Change Education
I teach on the Diploma in Eduation and Bachelor's in Education programs, speicifically preparing primary and secondary school teachers to become excellent science teachers. I also supervise/support students in completing their theses for taught postgraduate programs at the School of Education.
I conduct research and write in the areas of Science Education and Environmental Education.
[Education and Training]
Post Graduate Diploma of Education, Science, more..Contribution of > Education and Training
[Education and Training]
PhD, Curriculum, Studies and Teacher Development more..Contribution of > Education and Training
[Education and Training]
Bachelor of Science more..Contribution of > Education and Training
[Education and Training]
Masters of Education (Youth Development) more..Contribution of > Education and Training
Canadian Society for Studies in Education more..Contribution of > Membership
American Educational Research Association (AERA) more..Contribution of > Membership
Social Media