Scholar Profile: Therese Hadchity

Bio Information

Dr. Therese Hadchity

Department of Cultural Studies Faculty of Culture, Creative and Performing Arts Temporary Lecturer in Cultural Studies Active 417-4406 Check out my Website!

Before moving to Barbados in 1990, Therese Hadchity studied art history and contemporary culture at the University of Copenhagen. She owned the Zemicon Gallery in Bridgetown from 2000-2010, while also working as a curator, art critic and lecturer. Upon closing the gallery, she returned to academia to examine political and conceptual shifts in Caribbean art and criticism in recent decades.

Research Interests

  1. Caribbean Visual Arts
  2. Cultural Policy
  3. Anti-colonial thought
  4. Postmodern Theory
  5. Diaspora
  6. Post-nationalism
  7. Networks
  8. Humanism and its Antagonists

Research Activity

Public Service

  1. [Public or Community Service]

    Assistant Researcher for Art-in-Theory more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


  2. [Public or Community Service]

    Co-curating Visual Component 2022 IEEE GM Conference more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


  3. [Public or Community Service]

    Recording for UWI TV's PhD graduate Series more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


University Service

  1. Sorry, no information available as yet.

Education and Training

  1. [Education and Training]

    PhD Cultural Studies (high comm.) more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training



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In the News

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Social Media

  1. Sorry, no information available as yet.

Other Activities

  1. [Other Activity]

    Gallery Owner more..

    Contribution of > Other Activity


  2. [Other Activity]

    Freelance Curator and Art Critic more..

    Contribution of > Other Activity