Scholar Profile: Alok Kumar

Bio Information

Prof. Alok Kumar

Faculty of Medical Sciences Professor Active Check out my Website!
My Research Interests:




Joined the UWI on 01 April 2005 in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the Cave Hill campus as Lecturer.

Promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer in 2009, attained tenureship in 2012 and promoted to the rank of Professot in 2018.






1. Teaching Undergraduate (MBBS) Course. There are 50 to 60 medical students who rotate through the pediatrics department in batches in their 3rd year and 5th (the final year) of their training.


2. Teaching Post graduate (DM) course in Pediatrics. This is a four year postgraduate (DM) course for the doctors specializing in Pediatrics. There are currently 6 candidates enrolled in this course at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and they are at different years of the program.


3. Teaching the overseas elective medical students/doctors. On an average 8 to 10 overseas medical graduates choose to undertake elective rotation in Pediatrics at the QEH through the FMS, UWI annually.




1. Coordinator for the MBBS Junior AND Senior Clerkship in Pediatrics

2018 - TO DATE

Phase 2 (clinical) of the MBBS Course at Cave Hill campus – 70 students in rotations – continuous non semester teaching

 - Pediatrics (Year 3 MBBS Junior clerkship) Contact hours – average 5 hours/week - SIX WEEKS ROTATION

- Pediatrics (Year 5 MBBS Senior clerkship) Contact hours – average 7 hours/week - NINE WEEKS ROTATION

Examination – there are two end of clerkship examination with two components in each exam – written and clinical.

Final MBBS EXAMINATION – written examination and clinical OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination).


2. University Examiner, Final MBBS Medicine & Therapeutics

August 2018 – 2021




3. Final MBBS Examination, Campus Coordinator

Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI (Cave Hill),

2016 to 2017


4. DM Coordinator, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI (Cave Hill)

2013 to 2017


5. Medicine Examination (MBBS), Section (Pediatrics) Coordinator

Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI (Cave Hill), 2011 -2015


6. Program Coordinator, Pediatrics Postgraduate Program,

Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI (Cave Hill),

2005 to 2017


Postgraduate DM (Pediatrics) - 4 Year program

Number of students – 6 Contact hours – average 14 hours/week

Final Examinations – two parts

Part 1 at the end of year 2 – THREE components – Written, Clinical and Oral

Part 1 at the end of year 2 – THREE components – Written, Clinical and Oral

Annual in-course assessment exams - THREE components – Written, Clinical and Oral

Research Project/Thesis – submitted in year 4



Consultant (Associate) Pediatrician in the Department of Pediatrics

2005 to DATE

As an associate consultant in pediatrics at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, I provide inpatient care and outpatient follow up to children and supervises the clinical duties of all the house offices, senior house officers and registrars on the team. I also provide on call (4 pm to 8 am next day) service.


Research Interests

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