Advanced concrete materials, Durability of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)-concrete composites, Sustainable construction material
Dr. Indrajit Ray is currently the Professor and Programme Coordinator of Construction Engineering and Management in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Before this position, Professor Ray was faculty in Jadavpur University, India for 16 years and was faculty at the Purdue
University Fort Wayne, Purdue University Northwest, and West Virginia University USA, respectively, for 15
years. Professor Ray’s research is focused on advanced and sustainable construction materials, fiber-reinforced polymer/concrete composite for repair and strengthening, and local challenges of construction sectors. Professor Ray has published several peer-reviewed papers in Journals and proceedings and led over the US $5 million in research projects. Professor Ray is the voting member of ASTM International committees of cement and concretes & aggregates; life member and chartered engineer of Institute of Engineers(IE), India. He has supervised over 45 MS and Ph.D. students and made several international presentations.
[Journal Article]
Appraisal of the novel single contoured-cantilever beam more..2005
Indrajit RayBoyajian, DM and Davalos, JF and Ray, I
[Education and Training]
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering more..Contribution of > Education and Training
[Education and Training]
Master of Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) more..Contribution of > Education and Training
[Education and Training]
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honors) more..Contribution of > Education and Training
[Education and Training]
Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning The University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago 2019 more..Contribution of > Education and Training
Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) more..Contribution of > Membership
Member, American Concrete Institute more..Contribution of > Membership
Member, Indian Geotechnical Society more..Contribution of > Membership
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) more..Contribution of > Membership
Social Media