Scholar Profile: Angela Alleyne

Bio Information

Dr. Angela Alleyne

Department of Biological & Chemical Sciences Faculty of Science and Technology Senior Lecturer Biochemistry Active (246) 417-4022 Check out my Website!

I have always had an interest in geography and biology. I therefore started with the study of geology at UWI Mona and continued into Biochemistry with a focus on plant biology. I earned my PhD in Biology studying yam anthracnose disease caused by a fungal pathogen and then did Postdoctoral Research (2001-2003) at the University of Nebraska.  There, I worked on the genetic relationships of the bean rust pathogen Uromyces apppendiculatus populations. Afterwards, I also worked as an Assistant Professor in Biology at Edward Waters College in Jackonville, FL (2003-2008). I returned to UWI and continued research into diseases of tropical root crops viz, cassava, yam and sweet potato. These crops are important for food security and represent a resilient tool in our arsenal against climate change.  Biology and geography remain constant themes, although now enhanced by my research in molecular markers using Bioinformatics, metagenomics and molecular diagnostics of plant diseases.

Research Interests

  1. Plant Pathology
  2. Molecular Biology
  3. Bioinformatics
  4. Genomics

Research Activity

Public Service

  1. [Public or Community Service]

    Served as a Member of the National Cassava Value Chain Development Committee (NCVCCC) more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


  2. [Public or Community Service]

    Chair, Anthony N. Sabga (ANSA McaL) Caribbean Awards for Excellence more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


  3. [Public or Community Service]

    Served as a Scientific Panel Expert at the Coconut Planting Material Meeting more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


  4. [Public or Community Service]

    Serve as a Member of the Anthony N. Sabga (ANSA McAL) more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


  5. [Public or Community Service]

    Participated as a Member of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


  6. [Public or Community Service]

    Served as a Member of Barbados Committee on CARICOM Rapid Exchange System more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


  7. [Public or Community Service]

    Served as a Consultant on the National Biosafety Framework more..


    Contribution of > Public or Community Service


University Service

  1. Sorry, no information available as yet.

Education and Training

  1. [Education and Training]

    PhD. Biology more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training


  2. [Education and Training]

    B.Sc. Biochemistry more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training


  3. [Education and Training]

    Post Graduate Certificate: Molecular Laboratory Diagnostics-Medical Technology Program more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training


  4. [Education and Training]

    M. Phil Biology more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training


  5. [Education and Training]

    Postgraduate Certificate: University Teaching and Learning more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training


  6. [Education and Training]

    Post Graduate Certificate: Molecular Diagnostic Science more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training


  7. [Education and Training]

    Molecular Laboratory Diagnostics - Medical Technology Program more..

    Contribution of > Education and Training



  1. [Membership]

    American Phytopthological Society more..

    Contribution of > Membership


  2. [Membership]

    British Society of Plant Pathology (BSPP) more..

    Contribution of > Membership


In the News

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Social Media

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Other Activities

  1. Sorry, no information available as yet.