Dr. Randy Seepersad
Behavioural Sciences
Poverty , inequality , relative deprivation , deportation , youth crime and justice , penology , psychology and crime , philosophy of science , quantitative analysis and research methodology in the social sciences |
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Dr. Nicole Antoinette Plummer
FHE - Inst of Caribbean Stds
Climate change , climate justice , climate resilience , climate adaptation , black wellness , food heritage , food culture , Jamaican popular culture |
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Dr. Dianne Annell Williams
Lecturer - Criminology Unit
Behavioural Sciences
Police Reform , Prison Reform , Juvenile Justice , Restorative Justice , Crime and Media , Professionalism and Ethics , Social Justice , Reoffender Reintegration and Recidivism |
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Ms. Audra Tres-Ann Bolton
Research Assistant
FMS - UWI School of Nursing
Family Studies , Youth Studies , Community Intervention Programmes for youth |
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Dr. Shazeeda Ashmeen Ali
Corporate Misconduct Law , Law of Ethics , Financial Services Regulation |
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Mr. Caleb Gardiner
Marketing Management |
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Prof. Raphael Heffron
Dean's Office
Energy law , Economics , Low-carbon economy |
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Dr. Gardiana Bandeira Melo
Indigenous African Science , Decoloniality , Climate Justice |
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Prof. Derek Chadee
Head of Department
Behavioural Sciences
Social Psychology of Fear , fear of crime , media images and HIV/AIDS , Social Psychology of Fear , fear of crime , media images and HIV/AIDS |
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Mr. Tarik Travis AndrewWeekes
Research Fellow
Inst. for Crim.Justice & Sec.
Gangs and Organize Crime , Anti-gang Initiatives |
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