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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Gelien Shula Matthews Lecturer History Caribbean history , history of enslaved resistance and revolt , the history of the Church of the Nazarene in Trinidad and Tobago , American history with connections to the Caribbean , women and gender history of the Caribbean , the study of the discipline of history itself Contact U.W.I
Dr. Tonya Haynes Lecturer Institute for Gender and Development Studies Nita Barrow Unit Caribbean feminist thought , Caribbean feminisms , online feminisms , feminist intellectual history , gender and diabetes , Black women and diabetes , Sylvia Wynter Contact U.W.I
Dr. Deborah Natasha Mcfee Outreach and Research Officer Institute of Gender and Development Studies women , gender and trade , women , gender , crime and human security , gender and development , gender policy development and implementation (participatory and alternative) , gender sensitive capacity building for organizational and institutional strengthening , gender statistics and the construction of gender related development indicators , gender and global governance Contact U.W.I
Prof. Rhoda E Reddock Professor Institute of Gender and Development Studies Women's Studies , Women's History , Development , Sociology , Gender Contact U.W.I
Dr. Daniele Bobb Lecturer Institute for Gender and Development Studies Nita Barrow Unit Gender and Development , Women and Work , Government and Social Policies , Gender and trade , Mothering and motherhood Contact U.W.I
Dr. Kristina Hinds Head of Department/ Senior Lecturer in Political Science Caribbean Governance , Organistaions in Governance , Caribbean Civil Society , Women and Gender in Caribbean Politics and Governance , Citizenship Investor Programmes in the Caribbean , Broad Caribbean International Relations , International Political Economy Contact U.W.I
Dr. Talia Randa Esnard Senior Lecturer - Sociology Behavioural Sciences Teaching , Leadership , Mentoring , Women , Work , Organizations , Entrepreneurship , Higher Education Contact U.W.I
Dr. Karl Camilio Watts Lecturer FHE - History & Archaeology Business and Economic History of the Caribbean , Sports History , Landscape History , Social & Cultural History of Jamaica in the 19th and 20th centuries Contact U.W.I
Dr. Debbie Wendy Mc Collin Lecturer History History of the West Indies , Digital History Contact U.W.I
Prof. Kathleen E.A. Monteith Professor of Caribbean History FHE - History & Archaeology 19th and 20th Century Economics , Business History in the Commonwealth Caribbean Contact U.W.I