Prof. Paula Morgan
Professor - Literatures in English
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
Gender , trauma and violence in Caribbean discourse , Womens Literature of the Indian and African Diaspora , Pedagogical Approaches for teaching Caribbean culture |
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Dr. Geraldine Skeete
Lecturer - Coordinator Literatures in English P G
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
Literary Linguistics , Caribbean Literary Discourse , Gender and Sexuality , The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning |
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Ms. Amba Gloria Chevannes
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Dr. Halimah Deshong
Senior Lecturer and Head of IGDS:NBU
Institute for Gender and Development Studies Nita Barrow Unit
Anti/de-colonial feminism , Gendered violence , Feminist studies of crime and violence , Feminist epistemologies and methodologies , Qualitative research |
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Dr. Corinne I. Barnes
Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication (CARIMAC)
Media Violence and HIV and AIDS , Journalism Education , Citizen Journalism |
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Dr. Tonya Haynes
Institute for Gender and Development Studies Nita Barrow Unit
Caribbean feminist thought , Caribbean feminisms , online feminisms , feminist intellectual history , gender and diabetes , Black women and diabetes , Sylvia Wynter |
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Dr. Shani Roper
Curator, UWI Museum
History of Caribbean Childhood , Museums Education Practices , Museums, Memory and Histories of Trauma , Collections Management |
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Dr. Renee Maria Rhonda Figuera
Lecturer - Linguistics and TESOL
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Discourse Analysis , TESOL , Language and Crime , World Englishes , Language and Culture |
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Mrs. Petra Pierre-Robertson
School of Education
User Training , Online Information Retrieval , Library Management , Domestic Violence , Literature as Therapy |
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Prof. Patricia Mohammed
Professor - Chair, School for Graduate Studies and Research
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
Aesthetics , Visual Sociology , Social Policy |
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