Search Term: " steelband and percussion ensemble "
The results of your search query only represent a subset of experts found at U.W.I. If you require further assistance in finding an expert please Contact U.W.I
Scholar | Research Interests | Collaborate/Partner with UWI | |
Dr. Jeannine Irene Remy Senior Lecturer Creative and Festival Arts | steelband and percussion ensemble | Contact U.W.I | |
Dr. Jayaka Danaco Campbell FST - Physics | Regional Climate Modelling , Renewable Energy , Computational Physics , Climate Change , Climate Variability , Applied Electronics | Contact U.W.I | |
Dr. Solaiman Juman Lecturer - Otorhinolaryngology Clinical Surgical Sciences | Biology , Medicine | Contact U.W.I | |
Prof. Brian Copeland Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal of the St. Augustine Campus Office of the Campus Principal | Digital Electronics , Controls , Steel Pan technology | Contact U.W.I |