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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Joan Latchman Seismologist Seismic Research Center Earthquake forecasting from analysis of changing b-values , impact of strong earthquakes on groundwater , spectra of volcanic earthquakes in diagnosing the status of a volcano Contact U.W.I
Prof. Richard Robertson Professor of Geology Seismic Research Center Petrology , Volcanology , Geology , Volcano Monitoring , Volcanic Hazard & Risk Assessment , Volcano Risk Management , Crisis Communications , Risk Perception , Volcano Geodesy , Magma genesis Contact U.W.I
Dr. Erouscilla Patricia Joseph Research Fellow - Volcanologist Seismic Research Center Seismic Research , Physical Volcanology , Geothermal Systems , Caribbean Archaeology , Volcanic Emissions , Public Health , Microbiology , Citizen Science Contact U.W.I
Dr. Graham Alexander Ryan Research Fellow - Volcanology and Geothermal Geophysics Seismic Research Center Volcanology , Geothermal , Geophysics Contact U.W.I
Mr. Patrick John Smith Seismologist Seismic Research Center Volcanology , Geophysics , Seismology , Volcano-Seismology , Soufriere Hills Volcano Montserrat Contact U.W.I
Dr. Thomas Christopher Research Fellow Seismic Research Center Volcanology , Volcanic degassing , Remote Sensing , Spectroscopy , Igneous petrology , Igneous petrology , geochemistry , Igneous petrogenesis , Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks , Atmospheric Chemistry , Geographic Information Systems (GIS) , Environmental Science , Geology , Earth Sciences , Hydrology , Environmental Studies Contact U.W.I
Mr. Roderick Craig Stewart Research Fellow - Volcanology Seismic Research Center all aspects of volcanoes and volcano-seismology, particularly the real-time processing of seismic and other data and how it can be used in a timely manner. Contact U.W.I
Dr. Tricia Percival Lecturer - Child Dental Health School of Dentistry Dentistry Contact U.W.I
Mr. Lloyd L Lynch Research Fellow - Instrumentation Seismic Research Center Use of PC to remotely record and monitor seismic activity and the use of available computer networks to transmit recorded data and manage the remote systems in a cost effective manner Contact U.W.I
Dr. Nasser Mustapha Senior Lecturer - Sociology Behavioural Sciences Contact U.W.I