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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Milena Petrova Mechkarska Senior Lecturer - Biochemistry Life Sciences Innate immunity and infections: role of naturally-occurring peptides , Biological activity of novel compounds and development of therapeutic agents , Alternative methods for detection of infectious pathogens , Interfaces between ecology and virology , Amphibians: response to infections and climate change , natural and laboratory-induced hybridization between frog species Contact U.W.I
Mr. Andrew Ramudit Laboratory Technician Chemistry Contact U.W.I
Dr. Judith Fraulein Gobin Lecturer - Marine Biology Life Sciences Caribbean Deep Sea Biodiversity , Marine Invasive Species , Marine Biodiversity (benthos) of Rocky shores , Soft-bottom sediments and the Deep sea , Exploration (Oil and Gas) and Industrial pollution impacts on marine benthos biodiversity Contact U.W.I
Ms. Kerri-Ann Lalique Bennett invasive species , fish biology , freshwater , conservation , population genetics Contact U.W.I
Mr. Ahmad Mohammed Laboratory Demonstrator/Mphil Student Chemistry Green Chemistry , Photocatalysis , Biomass , Material Chemistry Contact U.W.I
Dr. Laura Tardieu Lecturer Food Production Agriculture , Wildlife as Livestock , Animal Reproduction , Animal Production , Animal Behaviour , Animal Science Contact U.W.I
Dr. David William Picking Research Fellow FST - Natural Products Inst. Contact U.W.I
Dr. Aidan Farrell Senior Lecturer - Plant Physiology Life Sciences Plant Physiology , Plant Ecophysiology , Abiotic Stress , Climate Change , climate adaptation , climate smart agriculture Contact U.W.I
Dr. Natasha Mootoo Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging Clinical Veterinary Sciences The radiographic anatomy of domestic species and orthopaedic conditions in growing animals , Tropical infectious diseases and tick-borne parasites in dogs Contact U.W.I
Dr. Nekeisha Omellia Spencer Senior Lecturer FSS - Economics Environmental and Resource Economics , Climate Economics , Applied Econometrics , Labor Economics Contact U.W.I