Ms. Janelle Duke
Assistant Archivist - West Indies Federal Archives Centre
Office of the Campus Registrar
Anglican Church in the Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago , Sugar Industry Records of Caroni (1975) Limited , Family History/Genealogies , World War I , The History of Trinidad and Tobago |
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Dr. Shirin Haque-Copilah
Deputy Dean - Student Matters; Senior Lecturer - Astronomy
Cosmology , Psychophysics |
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Dr. Kim Quimby
Senior Lecturer in Immunology
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Dr. Susan Herbert
School of Education
Science Education , Science and culture , Teacher Education , Reflective Practice |
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Dr. Krishpersad Manohar
Lecturer - Applied Thermodynamics; Heat Transfer & Renewable Energy Resources
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Environmental Engineering |
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Dr. Abrahams Patton Mwasha
Lecturer - Construction Materials Civil & Environmental Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Green Technology , Civil Engineer , Green Engineering and waste materials management (Recycle, Reuse and Reduce) , Expansive Soils research , Biodegradable Geotextiles , Facilities Management including, Health and safety, lighting, acoustics, human Comfort in Buildings , Air traffic Controller , Façade Engineer |
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Dr. Adrian Milton Lawrence
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Dr. Chris Maharaj
Senior Lecturer - Materials & Manufacturing
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical engineering design , failure analysis , finite-element modelling , business innovation , recycling of materials into new products , student motivation , flipped classroom approaches |
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Mrs. Isabella Francis-Granderson
Agricultural Economics and Extension
elderly nutrition and housing , food security , childhood nutrition , sensory evaluation & composite food product development , cancer , diabetes , sustainable nutrition and food safety |
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Dr. Derek Gay
Lecturer - Geotechnical Engineering; Coastal Zone Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mechanical Engineering , Civil Engineering , Materials Engineering |
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