Experts Directory/Scholar Search

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Search Term: " climate science "

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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Gardiana Bandeira Melo Indigenous African Science , Decoloniality , Climate Justice Contact U.W.I
Dr. Nicole Antoinette Plummer Lecturer FHE - Inst of Caribbean Stds Climate change , climate justice , climate resilience , climate adaptation , black wellness , food heritage , food culture , Jamaican popular culture Contact U.W.I
Prof. Michael Alexander Taylor Dean Environmental Physics , Caribbean Climate Variability , Climatology , Climate Change Contact U.W.I
Ms. Jhenelle Alicia Williams Senior Scientific Officer FST - Centre for Marine Sc climate change , geochemistry , climate science , marine science , isotopes , SDGs , water , environment , climate adaptation , climate justice Contact U.W.I
Dr. Israel Orimoloye Lecturer Geography My research portfolio revolves around Remote Sensing & GIS applications, drought disasters, disaster management, climate science, and environmental management. Contact U.W.I
Dr. Joanne Nazir Lecturer School of Education Science Education , Science Teacher Education , Environmental and Sustainability Education , Climate Change Education Contact U.W.I
Neisha Manickchand Climate Change , Sustainable Development Contact U.W.I
Prof. Noureddine Benkeblia Professor of Crop Science FST - Life Sciences Pre- and Postharvest Physiology of Horticultural Crops , Metabolomics and Crops Physiology Response to Environmental Stresses , Crop Resilience and Climate Change Contact U.W.I
Dr. Jayaka Danaco Campbell FST - Physics Regional Climate Modelling , Renewable Energy , Computational Physics , Climate Change , Climate Variability , Applied Electronics Contact U.W.I
Dr. Aidan Farrell Senior Lecturer - Plant Physiology Life Sciences Plant Physiology , Plant Ecophysiology , Abiotic Stress , Climate Change , climate adaptation , climate smart agriculture Contact U.W.I