Mr. Lloyd L Lynch
Research Fellow - Instrumentation
Seismic Research Center
Use of PC to remotely record and monitor seismic activity and the use of available computer networks to transmit recorded data and manage the remote systems in a cost effective manner |
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Dr. Christian Daniel Cwik
Lecturer - European History
History of minorities , outlaws , diaspora and migration , African resistance , Discrimination , racism and anti-Judaism in the Americas and the Atlantic World , the issue of the Congress of Vienna and its global dimension |
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Prof. Chandrabhan Sharma
Deputy Dean - UG Stud. Affairs (Fac. of Eng.); Prof -Ind. & Comm. Power Sys.; Energy Sys.; Power Sys. Protection; Electrical & Computer Engineering
Deputy Dean - UG Stud. Affairs (Fac. of Eng.)
Energy systems , power systems , Renewable Energy , Wind and PV integration , Battery Electric Vehicles |
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Dr. Therese Hadchity
Temporary Lecturer in Cultural Studies
Department of Cultural Studies
Caribbean Visual Arts , Cultural Policy , Anti-colonial thought , Postmodern Theory , Diaspora , Post-nationalism , Networks , Humanism and its Antagonists |
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Dr. Wayne Sylvester Goodridge
Computing and Information Technology
Communication networks , student management systems , decision support systems , medical applications and software engineering |
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Dr. Alrick Khourie Campbell
FSS - Economics
Energy Economics , Environmental Economics , Labour Economics , Transport Economics , Development Economics |
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Mr. Gerard Rogers
Librarian III, Head Cataloguing & Metadata Services
The Alma Jordan Library
Disaster Preparedness in Caribbean Libraries , Research Data Management , Information Fluency and Persistence in Distance Learning , Linked Data Applications in Libraries |
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Dr. Nekeisha Omellia Spencer
Senior Lecturer
FSS - Economics
Environmental and Resource Economics , Climate Economics , Applied Econometrics , Labor Economics |
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Dr. Melford Apti John
Senior Lecturer Biochemistry Unit
Pre-Clinical Sciences
Cancer Bioinformatics |
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Dr. Kamali Noami Carroll
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