Prof. Richard Robertson
Professor of Geology
Seismic Research Center
Petrology , Volcanology , Geology , Volcano Monitoring , Volcanic Hazard & Risk Assessment , Volcano Risk Management , Crisis Communications , Risk Perception , Volcano Geodesy , Magma genesis |
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Ms. Deneal Marchell Walters
Security, Public Policy, Environment, Risk Management |
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Mr. Patrick John Smith
Seismic Research Center
Volcanology , Geophysics , Seismology , Volcano-Seismology , Soufriere Hills Volcano Montserrat |
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Dr. Rose-Ann Jasmine Smith
FST - Geography & Geology
Disaster Risk Management , Climate Change Adapation , Community Resilience , Vulnerability Assessment |
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Dr. Gabrielle Thongs
Climate change , Climate education , Climate resilience , Disaster risk reduction , Disaster management , Disaster preparation , Early warning systems , Environment , Flood management , Nature-based solutions , Mitigation , Climate adaptation , GIS |
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Dr. Thomas Christopher
Research Fellow
Seismic Research Center
Volcanology , Volcanic degassing , Remote Sensing , Spectroscopy , Igneous petrology , Igneous petrology , geochemistry , Igneous petrogenesis , Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks , Atmospheric Chemistry , Geographic Information Systems (GIS) , Environmental Science , Geology , Earth Sciences , Hydrology , Environmental Studies |
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Ms. Ariel McCaskie
Assistant Lecturer
Department of Economics
Financial Innovation , Alternative Investments , Corporate Strategy , Foreign Exchange Markets |
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Dr. Graham Alexander Ryan
Research Fellow - Volcanology and Geothermal Geophysics
Seismic Research Center
Volcanology , Geothermal , Geophysics |
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Dr. Don Eion Samuel
Facilities Manager - Buildings & Infrastructure
Division of Facilities Management
Construction Management , Construction Procurement , Project Management , Facilities Management |
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Ms. Catrina Hinds
Project Coordinator
Centre for Resource Management & Environmental Studies (CERMES)
Disaster risk reduction , Climate adaptation , Climate education , Sustainable Development , Project management , Project development , Project implementation , Survey , Resilience , Climate change , Environment , Marine , Blue economy , Proposal writing |
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