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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Ms. Mala Ramesar Instructor II Behavioural Sciences The Psychology of Adolescent Violence , School Enagagement , Psychological Health of At-risk Adolescents , Child Maltreatment Contact U.W.I
Prof. Maureen Elaine Samms-Vaughan Professor of Child Health, Child Development and Behaviour FMS -Child & Adolescent Health Developmental Disabilities , Autism Spectrum Disorders , Violence Against Children , Behaviour Disorders in Childhood , Longitudinal/Birth Cohort Studies , Parenting/Fatherhood Contact U.W.I
Ms. Amba Gloria Chevannes Contact U.W.I
Katherine Innis FMS -Child & Adolescent Health Contact U.W.I
Dr. Asha Zakiya Pemberton-Gaskin Adolescent medicine , Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Contact U.W.I
Dr. Halimah Deshong Senior Lecturer and Head of IGDS:NBU Institute for Gender and Development Studies Nita Barrow Unit Anti/de-colonial feminism , Gendered violence , Feminist studies of crime and violence , Feminist epistemologies and methodologies , Qualitative research Contact U.W.I
Dr. Randy Seepersad Lecturer Behavioural Sciences Poverty , inequality , relative deprivation , deportation , youth crime and justice , penology , psychology and crime , philosophy of science , quantitative analysis and research methodology in the social sciences Contact U.W.I
Ms. Soshane Lashana Findley Instructional Technologist MITS - Applications Instructional Technology , Education Psychology , Mental Health Contact U.W.I
Prof. Donna-Maria Maynard Professor of Psychology (Clinical & Counselling) School of Education psychoeducational issues among adolescents and emerging adults , psychological assessment of Caribbean people , identity development , sexuality , Clinical psychology , Educational Psychology , Counselling , psychoeducational issues among adolescents and emerging adults , psychological assessment of Caribbean people , identity development , sexuality , Clinical psychology , Educational Psychology , Counselling Contact U.W.I
Dr. Barney Pacheco Senior Lecturer Management Studies Consumer Psychology, Digital Marketing and Strategic Brand Management , Sustainable Development Contact U.W.I