Korah Belgrave
Exploring acceptable standards in Barbadian language , Development of literacy in a second dialect , The exploration and practice of rhetoric in the Caribbean , Action research on students' attitude to research |
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Prof. Godfrey Steele
Professor of Human Communication Studies
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
communication studies education , human communication , health and risk communication , medical communication , communication and culture , communication and conflict , communication, culture, and conflict |
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Mr. Lincoln Williams
Director Consortium for Social Development and Research / Interim Director OCAS
Consortium for Social Development and Research
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Mona Campus Research Ethics Committee
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Ms. Melissa Melina Berkley
Planning Officer - Institutional Research Analyst
Campus Office of Planning and Institutional Research (COPIR)
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Marlene Bernadette Murray
Management Studies
Qualitative Social Research , Quantitative Social Research , Social Policy |
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Mr. Lauren Marsh
Research Fellow
Consortium for Social Development and Research
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Dr. Halimah Deshong
Senior Lecturer and Head of IGDS:NBU
Institute for Gender and Development Studies Nita Barrow Unit
Anti/de-colonial feminism , Gendered violence , Feminist studies of crime and violence , Feminist epistemologies and methodologies , Qualitative research |
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Dr. Ilias Papadopoulos
Engineering Seismologist
Seismic Research Center
Geoinformatics (GIS) , Geology , Hydrogeology |
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Ms. Michelle Antoinette Gill
The Alma Jordan Library
Data Management , Disaster Management , Mentorship , User Experience (UX) |
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