Prof. Michael Alexander Taylor
Environmental Physics , Caribbean Climate Variability , Climatology , Climate Change |
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Dr. Jayaka Danaco Campbell
FST - Physics
Regional Climate Modelling , Renewable Energy , Computational Physics , Climate Change , Climate Variability , Applied Electronics |
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Dr. Nicole Antoinette Plummer
FHE - Inst of Caribbean Stds
Climate change , climate justice , climate resilience , climate adaptation , black wellness , food heritage , food culture , Jamaican popular culture |
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Dr. Debbie Ann Mohammed
Senior Lecturer - International Trade; Coordinator – MPhil/PhD Programmes
Institute of International Relations
Economic Development and Regional Economic Integration , CARICOM-China Economic Relations , Economic Diversification and Competitiveness , Climate Change , Economic Growth and MDGs |
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Dr. Marlene Attzs
Advisor - Pro Vice Chancellor and Campus Principal
Office of the Campus Registrar
The Economics of Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation , Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Risk Management , Climate Change Adaptation , Sustainable Tourism Development |
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Neisha Manickchand
Climate Change , Sustainable Development |
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Dr. Gabrielle Thongs
Climate change , Climate education , Climate resilience , Disaster risk reduction , Disaster management , Disaster preparation , Early warning systems , Environment , Flood management , Nature-based solutions , Mitigation , Climate adaptation , GIS |
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Dr. Tannecia Sydia Stephenson
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Dr. Keron Niles
Institute of International Relations
Energy policy in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) , Cultural Industries , Music Sector , Climate Change and Music , Loss and Damage , The Creative Sector , Climate Policy in Small Island Developing States |
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Dr. Gardiana Bandeira Melo
Indigenous African Science , Decoloniality , Climate Justice |
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