Ms. Annie Paul
Senior Publications Officer
FSS - Sir Arthur Lewis ISES
Politics of culture , cultural politics , art criticism , publishing , journalism , visual culture , cultural criticism |
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Prof. Ann Marie Bissessar
Dean's Office
Governance , Public Sector Reform , Health Sector Reform , Regulations in relation to money laundering, human trafficking and anti-corruption |
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Dr. Gabrielle Hosein
Head of Department
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
Governance and Politics , Indo-Caribbean Feminisms , Sexualities , Ethnography , Ethnicity , Social and Cultural Anthropology , Gender Studies , Political Anthropology , Indigenous Studies , Feminist Theory , Gender and Development |
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Dr. Marquitta Cecelia Webb
Lecturer - Nutrition & Dietetics
Agricultural Economics and Extension
Risk factors for overweight/obesity and cardiovascular disease , sports nutrition for health and performance |
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Prof. Derek Chadee
Head of Department
Behavioural Sciences
Social Psychology of Fear , fear of crime , media images and HIV/AIDS , Social Psychology of Fear , fear of crime , media images and HIV/AIDS |
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Dr. Douglas-Wade Brunton
Lecturer - Communication Studies
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
Race , Creolite´ , Technology , Digital Studies , Culture |
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Prof. Saravana Kumar Duraisamy
Professor of Plant Pathology
Food Production
Plant Disease Diagnosis , Molecular Biology , Microbiology , Biocontrol |
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Dr. Scott Neal Timcke
Lecturer - Communication Studies
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
Political Economy & Social Inequality , States & Markets , History & Social Theory , Race, Class & Nationalism , Ethics & Exploitation , Narrative Historiography , The Social Study of Resource Management , Trans-Atlantic Relations , Coercion Elements of Labour Regimes , The Sociology of Knowledge , War & Conflict |
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Dr. Allan Patenaude
Lecturer - Criminology
Behavioural Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology , Qualitative Research , Program Evaluation , Social Theory , Criminology , Criminal Justice , Juvenile Justice , Prisons , Probation & Parole |
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Dr. Katija Lila Khan
Lecturer in Psychology
Behavioural Sciences
Neuropsychology , Clinical Psychology , Alzheimer's Disease , Cultural Diversity , Disaster Mental Health , Psychotherapy and Psychological assessment , Standardisation and Validation of Psychological Instruments , Psychometric Testing , Mental Health , Suicide , Service Delivery |
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