Dr. Katija Lila Khan
Lecturer in Psychology
Behavioural Sciences
Neuropsychology , Clinical Psychology , Alzheimer's Disease , Cultural Diversity , Disaster Mental Health , Psychotherapy and Psychological assessment , Standardisation and Validation of Psychological Instruments , Psychometric Testing , Mental Health , Suicide , Service Delivery |
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Ms. Mala Ramesar
Instructor II
Behavioural Sciences
The Psychology of Adolescent Violence , School Enagagement , Psychological Health of At-risk Adolescents , Child Maltreatment |
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Ms. Camille Charles
Assistant Registrar Secretariat
Assessment, Awards and Records
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Mrs. Karen Ford-Warner
Campus Registrar
Assessment, Awards and Records
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Mrs. Gillian Holder
Campus Registrar (A.g.)
Assessment, Awards and Records
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Prof. Donna-Maria Maynard
Professor of Psychology (Clinical & Counselling)
Department of History and Philosophy
psychoeducational issues among adolescents and emerging adults , psychological assessment of Caribbean people , identity development , sexuality , Clinical psychology , Educational Psychology , Counselling , psychoeducational issues among adolescents and emerging adults , psychological assessment of Caribbean people , identity development , sexuality , Clinical psychology , Educational Psychology , Counselling |
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Mrs. Collette Caesar
Assistant Registrar, Admissions and Registration
Assessment, Awards and Records
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Mrs. Alecia Walters-Archie
Assistant Registrar Student Support
Assessment, Awards and Records
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Dr. Janetha Long
Programme Officer Prior Learning Assessment
Office of the Deputy Principal (PLA)
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Francis Kalemeera
Antimicrobial Drugs (Use and Resistance) , Pharmacoepidemiology (Drug Use and Drug Safety) , Pharmacovigilance |
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