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Search Term: " Political Economy & Social Inequality "

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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Ms. Corinne Gregoire Economics Labour Markets , Poverty , Inequality Contact U.W.I
Dr. Kristina Hinds Head of Department/ Senior Lecturer in Political Science Caribbean Governance , Organistaions in Governance , Caribbean Civil Society , Women and Gender in Caribbean Politics and Governance , Citizenship Investor Programmes in the Caribbean , Broad Caribbean International Relations , International Political Economy Contact U.W.I
Dr. Indira Rampersad Lecturer - Political Science Behavioural Sciences Contact U.W.I
Dr. Scott Neal Timcke Lecturer - Communication Studies Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies Political Economy & Social Inequality , States & Markets , History & Social Theory , Race, Class & Nationalism , Ethics & Exploitation , Narrative Historiography , The Social Study of Resource Management , Trans-Atlantic Relations , Coercion Elements of Labour Regimes , The Sociology of Knowledge , War & Conflict Contact U.W.I
Dr. Patrick Watson Director Sir Arthur Institutue of Social and Economic Studies Social Accounting Matrices (and extensions) for the Caribbean, with applications to poverty, human capital formation and income distribution , Computable General Equilibrium and System Dynamics modeling of the Caribbean Economy, with applications to trade, poverty, income distribution and the environment , Finance (including micro finance) , Financial markets in the Caribbean. Contact U.W.I
Dr. Doreen Joy Gordon Lecturer FSS - Sociology,Psych &SocWork Inequality , Social Stratification , The Body , Health , Climate Change , Climate Justice , Household Food Security and Nutrition , Economic Livelihood , Education , Gender and Identity Contact U.W.I
Dr. Maukesh Basdeo Lecturer Political Science Contact U.W.I
Dr. Bishnu Ragoonath Head of Department Political Science Governance , Citizen Participation , Political Participation , Local Governance , Public Management , Good Governance , Decentralization , Capacity Building , Impact Assessment , Development Cooperation , Government Regulation Contact U.W.I
Dr. Don Marshall Director Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economic Studies Global Studies , Governance , Economic Development , International Development , Public Policy Analysis Contact U.W.I
Marlene Bernadette Murray Management Studies Qualitative Social Research , Quantitative Social Research , Social Policy Contact U.W.I