Ms. Corinne Gregoire
Labour Markets , Poverty , Inequality |
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Dr. Kristina Hinds
Head of Department/ Senior Lecturer in Political Science
Caribbean Governance , Organistaions in Governance , Caribbean Civil Society , Women and Gender in Caribbean Politics and Governance , Citizenship Investor Programmes in the Caribbean , Broad Caribbean International Relations , International Political Economy |
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Dr. Indira Rampersad
Lecturer - Political Science
Behavioural Sciences
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Dr. Scott Neal Timcke
Lecturer - Communication Studies
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
Political Economy & Social Inequality , States & Markets , History & Social Theory , Race, Class & Nationalism , Ethics & Exploitation , Narrative Historiography , The Social Study of Resource Management , Trans-Atlantic Relations , Coercion Elements of Labour Regimes , The Sociology of Knowledge , War & Conflict |
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Dr. Patrick Watson
Sir Arthur Institutue of Social and Economic Studies
Social Accounting Matrices (and extensions) for the Caribbean, with applications to poverty, human capital formation and income distribution , Computable General Equilibrium and System Dynamics modeling of the Caribbean Economy, with applications to trade, poverty, income distribution and the environment , Finance (including micro finance) , Financial markets in the Caribbean. |
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Dr. Doreen Joy Gordon
FSS - Sociology,Psych &SocWork
Inequality , Social Stratification , The Body , Health , Climate Change , Climate Justice , Household Food Security and Nutrition , Economic Livelihood , Education , Gender and Identity |
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Dr. Maukesh Basdeo
Political Science
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Dr. Bishnu Ragoonath
Head of Department
Political Science
Governance , Citizen Participation , Political Participation , Local Governance , Public Management , Good Governance , Decentralization , Capacity Building , Impact Assessment , Development Cooperation , Government Regulation |
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Dr. Don Marshall
Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economic Studies
Global Studies , Governance , Economic Development , International Development , Public Policy Analysis |
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Marlene Bernadette Murray
Management Studies
Qualitative Social Research , Quantitative Social Research , Social Policy |
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