Experts Directory/Scholar Search

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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Shelene Gomes Ethnography , Life history , Migration , Cosmopolitanism , Women and agency , Transnational Caribbean Contact U.W.I
Dr. Cheryl-Ann Boodram Lecturer/ Practicum Co-Ordinator Social Work Behavioural Sciences Forced Migration , Participatory Action Research , Community Resilience , Work and Life Balance , Climate Change , Disaster Literarcy , Disaster Resilience , Adaptation , Sport Social Work Contact U.W.I
Dr. Rose-Ann Jasmine Smith FST - Geography & Geology Disaster Risk Management , Climate Change Adapation , Community Resilience , Vulnerability Assessment Contact U.W.I
Dr. Kati Maarit Forde Head of Department - Cultural Studies Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies Caribbean religions , Migration , Kinship , Politics and government of religion Contact U.W.I
Dr. Linda Omamuli Amaye Lecturer - Literatures in English; Coordinator MFA Programme PG Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies Womens narratives , Migration , Memory , Identity Contact U.W.I
Dr. Christian Daniel Cwik Lecturer - European History History History of minorities , outlaws , diaspora and migration , African resistance , Discrimination , racism and anti-Judaism in the Americas and the Atlantic World , the issue of the Congress of Vienna and its global dimension Contact U.W.I
Dr. Godfrey St Bernard Senior Fellow Sir Arthur Institutue of Social and Economic Studies Demography and Applied Social Statistics Contact U.W.I
Dr. Diane Ignacio Lecturer, Pharmacy Practice School of Pharmacy Prostate cancer , Pharmacy education Contact U.W.I
Dr. Benjamin Ramkissoon Instructor Economics Migration and remittances , Development economics Contact U.W.I
Dr. Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw Deputy Dean - Grad. Studies & Research (FHE); Senior Lecturer - French; PG Coordinator - French Modern Languages and Linguistics The Poetics of Francophone/Haitian Women Writers , The treatment of Caribbean Return Migration , Short Stories of the Caribbean Region (Anglophone/Francophone/Hispanic) , The poets and writers of 19th French Literature (Flaubert and Baudelaire) Contact U.W.I