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Search Term: " Interfaces between ecology and virology "

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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Milena Petrova Mechkarska Senior Lecturer - Biochemistry Life Sciences Innate immunity and infections: role of naturally-occurring peptides , Biological activity of novel compounds and development of therapeutic agents , Alternative methods for detection of infectious pathogens , Interfaces between ecology and virology , Amphibians: response to infections and climate change , natural and laboratory-induced hybridization between frog species Contact U.W.I
Randy Harnarinesingh Contact U.W.I
Dr. Amy Elizabeth Deacon Senior Lecturer - Zoology Life Sciences Invasive Species , Biodiversity , Behavioural Ecology , Aquatic Ecology Contact U.W.I
Mrs. Cherill Farrell Librarian Institute of International Relations Cooperation between University Libraries and Departmental Libraries , Leadership and Management Contact U.W.I
Dr. Suzanne Elizabeth Palmer Lecturer and Academic Coordinator FST - Life Sciences coral reef ecology , coral reef health , environmental change , coral reef restoration , reef sedimentology , marine protected areas Contact U.W.I
Dr. Joshua James Anzinger Senior Lecturer FMS - Microbiology Macrophage , Inflammation , Monocytes , Cell Culture , Innate Immunity , Macrophage Biology , Macrophage Cell Culture , Monocyte Culture , Macrophage Polarization , Magnetic Cell Sorting Contact U.W.I
Dr. Christopher Anthony L. Oura Professor - Veterinary Virology Basic Veterinary Sciences Veterinary Virology , Molecular diagnostics , Virus discovery and evolution , Vector-borne viral diseases , Molecular parasitology (haemoparasites) , Population genetics and molecular epidemiology , One Health , Emerging infectious diseases , Climate Change , Health and Climate Change Contact U.W.I
Mrs. Thelma Faye White Librarian FSS - Sir Arthur Lewis ISES Heritage and culture , Heritage and culture Contact U.W.I
Dr. Lebert Grierson Head of Department - Lecturer Chemistry Chemistry Colloids and interfaces , applied physical chemistry and material sciences Contact U.W.I
Prof. Christine Carrington Head, Department of Preclinical Sciences Pre-Clinical Sciences Virus Evolution , Molecular Genetics , Molecular Virology , Phylogenetics , Phylogeography , Emerging Viruses Contact U.W.I