Prof. David Berry
Senior Lecturer in Law
Academic Literacies Programme
Jurisprudence , Law of the sea , International Commercial Arbitration |
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Dr. Deborah Natasha Mcfee
Outreach and Research Officer
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
women , gender and trade , women , gender , crime and human security , gender and development , gender policy development and implementation (participatory and alternative) , gender sensitive capacity building for organizational and institutional strengthening , gender statistics and the construction of gender related development indicators , gender and global governance |
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Ms. Keren Dandrea Regina Wilson
Researcher/ Analyst - Planning
Campus Office of Planning and Institutional Research (COPIR)
Higher Education Research , Institutional Research , Data Management , Survey Research and Design Methodology , Research Ethics , Monitoring & Evaluation , Strategic Education , Capacity Development , Educational Leadership and Policy Development , Graduate Employability , Sustainable Development , Enterprise Education |
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Dr. Vaalmikki Teemal Arjoon
Lecturer - Business Research Methodology
Management Studies
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Dr. Indrani Bachan-Persad
Office of Planning & Development
Skills and Expertise , Governance , Economic Development , Development Studies , Developing Countries , Case Studies , Comparative Analysis , Institutional Analysis , Comparative Studies |
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Ms. Nicola Diane Paterson-Lipps
Senior Project Officer
Offce - Planning&Inst Research
teaching, learning and student development , student leadership and mentorship , women in entrepreneurship , policy research , small, medium and micro entreprises , strategic planning , student retention and graduation |
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Ms. Sharline Cole
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Dr. Pamela Dottin
Quality Assurance Officer
Quality Assurance Unit
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Dr. Lee Martin Palia Koli Koma
Lecturer - Senior Lecturer - Small Animal Surgery
School of Veterinary Medicine
Medicine |
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Dr. Keron Niles
Institute of International Relations
Energy policy in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) , Cultural Industries , Music Sector , Climate Change and Music , Loss and Damage , The Creative Sector , Climate Policy in Small Island Developing States |
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