Mr. Felix Wilson
HR Projects Officer
Human Resource Department
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Dr. Linda Steele
Senior Assistant Registrar
Human Resource Division
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Dr. Jacqueline Henrietta Stephenson
Management Studies
Diversity , Equality , Discrimination and equality in the Caribbean region , Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation , Discrimination on the basis of disabilities , Discrimination on the basis of age , Organisational inclusion and exclusion of marginalised groups , Discrimination of marginalised groups |
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Dr. Krishna Mohan Kumar
Lecturer - Veterinary Physiology
Basic Veterinary Sciences
Improvement in fertility , regulation of reproductive axis and ovarian activity in domestic animals , Developing feeding strategies assessing the nutrient requirement for ruminant to improve productive performance |
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Ms. Cheryl Carter
HR Officer - Training & Development; Psychometric Testing; Performance Management; EAP
Human Resource Division
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Prof. Tracy Susanne Robinson
Constitutional Law , Family Law , Gender Sexuality and the Law , Human Rights Law |
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Dr. Rose-Ann Jasmine Smith
FST - Geography & Geology
Disaster Risk Management , Climate Change Adapation , Community Resilience , Vulnerability Assessment |
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Jules Tyrone Marcus
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Mrs. Jacqueline Belinda Garvey-Henry
FMS - UWI School of Nursing
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Prof. Godfrey Steele
Professor of Human Communication Studies
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
communication studies education , human communication , health and risk communication , medical communication , communication and culture , communication and conflict , communication, culture, and conflict |
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