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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Jo-Anne S. Ferreira Senior Lecturer - Linguistics Modern Languages and Linguistics Portuguese Language and Culture in Trinidad & Tobago and the Caribbean , French-lexicon Creole in the Southern Caribbean and Northern South America , The Phonetics & Phonology of Caribbean varieties of English , Endangered and Indigenous Caribbean Languages Contact U.W.I
Mr. Eric Maitrejean Lecturer - French Language; Undergraduate Coordinator - French Modern Languages and Linguistics Interpreting , French as a Foreign Language , Theatre in Foreign Language Education Contact U.W.I
Dr. Savrina Parevadee Chinien Lecturer - French Modern Languages and Linguistics The poetics of Caribbean Writers , Films concerning Africa and African diaspora , The poets of 19th century French Literature , Post-war French Novel , Theatre and film Contact U.W.I
Prof. Hubert St. Laurent Devonish FHE - Lang, Linguistics & Phil Creole Linguistics , Sociolinguistics , Language Planning and Language Policy , Caribbean Linguistics , Garifuna , Lokono (Arawak) , Maroon Languages of the Caribbean , Language Rights , Caribbean Language and Music Contact U.W.I
Prof. Silvia Kouwenberg Professor of Linguistics FHE - Lang, Linguistics & Phil The teaching of English in a creole-speaking environment (joint with Dr Michèle Kennedy and Dr Yewande Lewis-Fokum) , Topics in Creole Studies, especially formal properties of creole languages and their historical emergence, in particular Berbice Dutch, Papiamentu, and Jamaican Creole , Creole Linguistics Contact U.W.I
Dr. Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw Deputy Dean - Grad. Studies & Research (FHE); Senior Lecturer - French; PG Coordinator - French Modern Languages and Linguistics The Poetics of Francophone/Haitian Women Writers , The treatment of Caribbean Return Migration , Short Stories of the Caribbean Region (Anglophone/Francophone/Hispanic) , The poets and writers of 19th French Literature (Flaubert and Baudelaire) Contact U.W.I
Dr. Vivette Ruth Milson-Whyte Senior Lecturer FHE - Lang, Linguistics & Phil Language Ideology and Writing , Teaching and Assessment of Postsecondary Writing , Teaching and Assessment of Postsecondary Writing Transnational Composition , Public Speaking Contact U.W.I
Dr. Simone Jeannette French Lecturer Pulmonary Embolism , Triage , Emergency Department Operations , Emergency Department Ultrasound Contact U.W.I
Ms. Robertha Sandra Evans Assistant Lecturer - Language, Literature & Education Modern Languages and Linguistics Forensic Linguistics/language and the Law , Language Rights , Language Policy and Planning , Creole Linguistics , Endangered Languages of the Caribbean Contact U.W.I
Dr. Roxanne Albertha Charles Assistant Lecturer - Veterinary Parasitology Basic Veterinary Sciences Veterinary Medicine Contact U.W.I