Dr. Marlene Attzs
Advisor - Pro Vice Chancellor and Campus Principal
Office of the Campus Registrar
The Economics of Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation , Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Risk Management , Climate Change Adaptation , Sustainable Tourism Development |
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Dr. Jonathan Richard Dalby
Senior Lecturer
FHE - History & Archaeology
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Prof. Roger Hosein
Professor OF Economics - Coordinator - Trade and Economic Development Unit
International Trade with emphasis on the Dutch Diseaes , Rybczynski and Reverse Rybzynski theory , Immigration Theory , Regional Integration , Small States and their vulnerabilities , The impact of China on CARICOM |
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Dr. Samuel Ashley Braithwaite
FSS - Economics
International Macroeconomics , International Trade and Economic Development |
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Ms. Vyjanti Vashti Beharry
Junior Research Fellow
Centre for Health Economics
Epidemiology , International and Humanitarian Medicine , Infectious Diseases |
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Dr. Shani Roper
Curator, UWI Museum
History of Caribbean Childhood , Museums Education Practices , Museums, Memory and Histories of Trauma , Collections Management |
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Dr. Patrick Watson
Sir Arthur Institutue of Social and Economic Studies
Social Accounting Matrices (and extensions) for the Caribbean, with applications to poverty, human capital formation and income distribution , Computable General Equilibrium and System Dynamics modeling of the Caribbean Economy, with applications to trade, poverty, income distribution and the environment , Finance (including micro finance) , Financial markets in the Caribbean. |
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Dr. Indrani Bachan-Persad
Office of Planning & Development
Skills and Expertise , Governance , Economic Development , Development Studies , Developing Countries , Case Studies , Comparative Analysis , Institutional Analysis , Comparative Studies |
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Dr. Basil Anthony Reid
Pre-colonial archaeology of the Caribbean , Caribbean archaeology and geoinformatics , precolonial Caribbean farmers and Caribbean heritage , Forensic Anthropology , Forensics in the Caribbean , Geographic Information Systems (GIS) , Remote Sensing , Resistivity Surveys |
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Dr. Suzanne D. Burke
Lecturer - Cultural Studies
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
Cultural policy , Creative clusters and economic development , Cultural mapping and planning , Strategic planning and marketing for the creative sector |
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