Dr. Rhonda Jaipaul-O' Garro
University Director, Marketing & Communications
Social Commerce , Social Networking , Public Relations in Higher Education , Reputation Building , Marketing & Communications |
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Dr. Kai-Ann Skeete
Trade Research Fellow
Shridath Ramphal Centre - Masters in International Trade Policy
Regionalism , Caribbean International Relations , Geopolitics , CSME , Implementation Deficits , International Trade , Latin American Foreign Policy , Governance |
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Mia Jules
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Dr. Kristina Hinds
Head of Department/ Senior Lecturer in Political Science
Caribbean Governance , Organistaions in Governance , Caribbean Civil Society , Women and Gender in Caribbean Politics and Governance , Citizenship Investor Programmes in the Caribbean , Broad Caribbean International Relations , International Political Economy |
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Dr. Keron Niles
Institute of International Relations
Energy policy in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) , Cultural Industries , Music Sector , Climate Change and Music , Loss and Damage , The Creative Sector , Climate Policy in Small Island Developing States |
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Dr. Christine Angella Clarke
FSS - Economics
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Prof. Ian O'Brian Boxill
Deputy Principal
Office of the Deputy Principal
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Dr. Georgina Mary Chami
Research Fellow - Internship Coordinator
Institute of International Relations
Peace and security , Global governance and international organizations. , Peace and security , Global governance and international organizations. |
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Dr. Dave A. Seerattan
Lecturer - Coordinator – MSc Global Studies Programme
Institute of International Relations
Financial innovations , financial regulations , financial market microstructure , global foreign exchange markets , mutual fund performance in the Caribbean , fiscal reforms in the Caribbean and business strategy , competitiveness in the Caribbean |
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Dr. Antonius Hippolyte
Interim Dean
Corporate and Commercial Law , Crtical Legal Studies and New Approaches to International Law , Third World Approaches to International Law , International Economic Governance , International Tax Law , Intertnational Trade Law , International Investment Law , Environmental Justice , International Political Economy , Law and Economics , Legal History , Postcolonialism , Public International Law , International Relations , Investor State Arbitration , Private International Law , International Commercial Arbitration , Regional Integration in CARICOM , Market Regulations in the European Union |
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