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Search Term: " Developmental Biology "

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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Candice Georgette Briggs Lecturer - Plant Sciences Life Sciences Botany , Developmental Biology , Molecular Biology , Botany , Developmental Biology , Molecular Biology Contact U.W.I
Dr. Michael St. Aubyn Boyne Professor of Endocrinology & Metabolism FMS - Medicine Diabetes mellitus , Obesity , Developmental origins of health and disease Contact U.W.I
Ms. Kerri-Ann Lalique Bennett invasive species , fish biology , freshwater , conservation , population genetics Contact U.W.I
Prof. Clive Landis Pro Vice-Chancellor and Principal, The University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus Inflammation , Thrombosis , Macrophage Biology , Leukcocyte Adhesion , Cardiopulmonary Bypass , Aprotinin , HIV , Wound Healing , COVID-19 Contact U.W.I
Dr. Shamjeet Singh Lecturer School of Pharmacy Agricultural Science , Biology , Computer Science Contact U.W.I
Ms. Neela Cezair Research Assistant Academy of Sport Physical Literacy as culture within the Caribbean , Sport as a developmental tool in society , Physical Activity and technology: Mutaully beneficial? Contact U.W.I
Dr. Rowena Constance Kalloo Lecturer Science education (Biology) inquiry based science , environmental education , qualitative research , place based learning Contact U.W.I
Prof. Maureen Elaine Samms-Vaughan Professor of Child Health, Child Development and Behaviour FMS -Child & Adolescent Health Developmental Disabilities , Autism Spectrum Disorders , Violence Against Children , Behaviour Disorders in Childhood , Longitudinal/Birth Cohort Studies , Parenting/Fatherhood Contact U.W.I
Dr. Adrian Michael Lennon Lecturer - Biochemistry Life Sciences Respiratory Complexes , Regulation of Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Anthurium , Molecular Basis of Resistance to Witches Broom Disease in Cacao Contact U.W.I
Prof. Ralph David Robinson E(a) Epidemiology and transmission of parasitic infections in humans and animals in Jamaica and the Caribbean region. (b) Research ethics. (c) Biology-inspired engineering. (d) Curriculum development and renewal. Contact U.W.I