Dr. Patricia Marie Northover
Senior Research Fellow
FSS - Sir Arthur Lewis ISES
Philosophy of Economics , Growth economics , Africana Critical Theory , Sustainable Rural Development , Food systems , Globalization and small states , Postcolonial Development Studies , Economics as Social Theory , Caribbean culture studies , Decolonial Theory, Poiesis and Poethics |
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Ms. Tivia Collins
Research Assistant - Editorial Assistant - Online Journal (C R G S)
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
Feminist Geography , Critical Geography , Grounded Theory , Action Research , Area Studies , Caribbean Studies , Caribbean Feminist Theory , Caribbean Sexuality , Policy Analysis/Policy Studies |
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Mrs. Valerie Elizabeth Sealey-Tobias
Assistant Lecturer
School of Advanced Nursing
Adult Education , Educational Assessment , Curriculum Theory |
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Mr. Keith Cadette
Lecturer - Visual Arts
Creative and Festival Arts
Designing , Design Thinking , Product Design and Development , Design Theory |
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Dr. Rainy Demerson
Lecturer African Diaspora and Modern Dance
Department of Creative and Cultural Arts
“Viva el Juego: Play in Latin American Performance Art” , “Sensing the Stage: Decolonial Readings of African Contemporary Dance” |
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Dr. Levi Joseph Gahman
Lecturer - Human Geography
Cultural Anthropology , Race , Ethnicity and Politics , Political Economy |
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Dr. Shelene Gomes
Ethnography , Life history , Migration , Cosmopolitanism , Women and agency , Transnational Caribbean |
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Vivian Alexander
School of Education
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) , Hierarchical Linear Modeling , Structural Equation Modeling , Item Response Theory , Applied Measurement |
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Prof. Moawia Alghalith
Economics , Mathematics , Mathematical Economics |
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Ms. Sharmila Nisha Harry
Lecturer - Curriculum & Teacher Education
School of Education
Curriculum change/ innovation and implementation , education reform , types of talk in the classroom , qualitative research methods , postcolonial theory , cross-disciplinary studies (education and literature) |
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