Ngozika Ezinne
Binocular vision , Orthoptics , Children vision , Myopia , Ocular surface , Keratoconus , Community eye health |
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Dr. Julia Kotzebue
Geomatics Engineering and Land Management
Spatial governance , Integrated transport planning , Public participatory GIS , Online community engagement |
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Dr. Debbie Ann Mohammed
Senior Lecturer - International Trade; Coordinator – MPhil/PhD Programmes
Institute of International Relations
Economic Development and Regional Economic Integration , CARICOM-China Economic Relations , Economic Diversification and Competitiveness , Climate Change , Economic Growth and MDGs |
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Dr. Kristina Hinds
Head of Department/ Senior Lecturer in Political Science
Caribbean Governance , Organistaions in Governance , Caribbean Civil Society , Women and Gender in Caribbean Politics and Governance , Citizenship Investor Programmes in the Caribbean , Broad Caribbean International Relations , International Political Economy |
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Dr. Kurt McKenzie
Course Coordinator - Linear Algebra, Children Learning Mathematics, Calculus 2 and Calculus 3
Academic Programming and Delivery Division
Real Analysis , Complex Analysis , Number Theory , Mathematics Education , Evaluating Education Programmes , Adult and Continuing Education |
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Dr. Dave A. Seerattan
Lecturer - Coordinator – MSc Global Studies Programme
Institute of International Relations
Financial innovations , financial regulations , financial market microstructure , global foreign exchange markets , mutual fund performance in the Caribbean , fiscal reforms in the Caribbean and business strategy , competitiveness in the Caribbean |
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Dr. Emmanuel Janagan Johnson
Senior Lecturer and Coordinator- Social Work
Behavioural Sciences
Social Work Education , Qualitative and Quantitative Research , Children and Families , Domestic Violence , Environmental health |
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Mr. Andel Andrew
Teaching Assistant/MPhil/PhD Student
Political Science
The LGBT Community in Trinidad and Tobago and the Wider Commonwealth Caribbean , Voting Behavior and Political Culture , Public and Digial Diplomacy in the Caribbean , Migration , The Sex Industry in Trinidad and Tobago , The Role of Civil Society in Trinidad and Tobago |
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Prof. Ian O'Brian Boxill
Deputy Principal
Office of the Deputy Principal
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Mrs. Ceceile Minott
Head, Caribbean Child Development Centre, and Director, Consortium for Social Development and Research
Child and Youth Development , Counselling , Programme and Project Development , Curriculum Development , Proposal Writing , Research |
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