Dr. Shirene Melissa Singh
Viral immunology , Vaccinology , Emerging viral diseases , Avian viral diseases , Zoonotic viral diseases |
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Dr. Nicole Antoinette Plummer
FHE - Inst of Caribbean Stds
Climate change , climate justice , climate resilience , climate adaptation , black wellness , food heritage , food culture , Jamaican popular culture |
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Dr. Kirk Douglas
Infectious diseases , Biosecurity , Zoonoses , One Health , Climate change , Planetary Health , Sustainability , wildfires , vectorborne diseases , viruses , water quality , air quality , animal health , bioeconomy , risk management |
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Dr. Tannecia Sydia Stephenson
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Prof. Winston G Lewis
Professor - Manufacturing Technology; Plant Layout & Ergonomics
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Metallurgical & Industrial Engineering , Sheet Metal Forming , Manufacture of the Steelpan Musical Instrument , Applied Ergonomics and Workplace Design , Engineering Quality Management and Nano
-technology |
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Dr. Adrian Michael Lennon
Lecturer - Biochemistry
Life Sciences
Respiratory Complexes , Regulation of Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Anthurium , Molecular Basis of Resistance to Witches Broom Disease in Cacao |
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Dr. Sandeep Maharaj
Lecturer - Pharmacy Administration; Associate Dean Distance Education, Planning and Projects
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Administration , Planetary Health , Health Sustainability |
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Dr. Wayne Gregor Ganpat
Faculty of Food and Agriculture
Agronomy , Agricultural Plant Science |
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Dr. Winston Elibox
Lecturer - Genetics
Life Sciences
Agricultural Science , Biology , Education |
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Dr. Ayub Khan
Senior Lecturer - Plant Sciences
Life Sciences
Biological control of tropical insect pests , Entomopathogenic fungi as biological control agents , Pesticide application technology |
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