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Search Term: " Caribbean Economic Development "

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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Don Marshall Director Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economic Studies Global Studies , Governance , Economic Development , International Development , Public Policy Analysis Contact U.W.I
Dr. Marlene Attzs Advisor - Pro Vice Chancellor and Campus Principal Office of the Campus Registrar The Economics of Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation , Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Risk Management , Climate Change Adaptation , Sustainable Tourism Development Contact U.W.I
Dr. Debbie Ann Mohammed Senior Lecturer - International Trade; Coordinator – MPhil/PhD Programmes Institute of International Relations Economic Development and Regional Economic Integration , CARICOM-China Economic Relations , Economic Diversification and Competitiveness , Climate Change , Economic Growth and MDGs Contact U.W.I
Dr. Benjamin Ramkissoon Instructor Economics Migration and remittances , Development economics Contact U.W.I
Dr. Terri-Ann Patrice Gilbert-Roberts Research Fellow FSS - Sir Arthur Lewis ISES Politics of Development , Governance , Regionalism , Youth Development , Peace , Public Accountability , Participation Contact U.W.I
Prof. Ian O'Brian Boxill Deputy Principal Office of the Deputy Principal Contact U.W.I
Mrs. Natasha Ramkissoon-Babwah Lecturer Management Studies Educational Models for Entrepreneurship , Entrepreneurship in the Caribbean , Economic Diversification Contact U.W.I
Dr. Patricia Marie Northover Senior Research Fellow FSS - Sir Arthur Lewis ISES Philosophy of Economics , Growth economics , Africana Critical Theory , Sustainable Rural Development , Food systems , Globalization and small states , Postcolonial Development Studies , Economics as Social Theory , Caribbean culture studies , Decolonial Theory, Poiesis and Poethics Contact U.W.I
Dr. Daren Attlee Conrad Lecturer Economics Urban Economics , Economics of Education , Development Economics , Monetary and Fiscal Policy Contact U.W.I
Dr. Suzanne D. Burke Lecturer - Cultural Studies Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies Cultural policy , Creative clusters and economic development , Cultural mapping and planning , Strategic planning and marketing for the creative sector Contact U.W.I