Dr. Anthea Aduke Henderson
Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication (CARIMAC)
Media and communication theory , Digital childhoods , Parental mediation , Consumer Culture , Autoethnography |
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Mrs. Thelma Faye White
FSS - Sir Arthur Lewis ISES
Heritage and culture , Heritage and culture |
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Dr. Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw
Deputy Dean - Grad. Studies & Research (FHE); Senior Lecturer - French; PG Coordinator - French
Modern Languages and Linguistics
The Poetics of Francophone/Haitian Women Writers , The treatment of Caribbean Return Migration , Short Stories of the Caribbean Region (Anglophone/Francophone/Hispanic) , The poets and writers of 19th French Literature (Flaubert and Baudelaire) |
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Prof. Patricia Mohammed
Professor - Chair, School for Graduate Studies and Research
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
Aesthetics , Visual Sociology , Social Policy |
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Prof. Paula Morgan
Professor - Literatures in English
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
Gender , trauma and violence in Caribbean discourse , Womens Literature of the Indian and African Diaspora , Pedagogical Approaches for teaching Caribbean culture |
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Dr. Alpha Amenemhat Obika
Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication (CARIMAC)
Media and Communication Policy Studies , Political Economy of Communications , Cultural Policy Studies , Event and Festival Management |
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Dr. Marsha Shelly Pearce
Lecturer – Cultural Studies
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
Visual culture , Communication and media studies , Politics of identity and representation , Visual narratives of travel and tourism , Visual research methodologies |
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Dr. Nicole Roberts
Director & Senior Lecturer in Spanish
Centre for Language Learning
Afro-Hispanic Literature , Hispanic poetry , Caribbean Women writers , Race and ethnicity , Innovation in Foreign Language , Reading and Writing |
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Dr. Acolla Cameron
Head of Department
Management Studies
Tourism Development , Small Island States , Caribbean Tourism |
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Dr. Kristina Hinds
Head of Department/ Senior Lecturer in Political Science
Caribbean Governance , Organistaions in Governance , Caribbean Civil Society , Women and Gender in Caribbean Politics and Governance , Citizenship Investor Programmes in the Caribbean , Broad Caribbean International Relations , International Political Economy |
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