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Search Term: " Building nutrition-sensitive value chains in low and middle income economies (LMICs) "

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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Arlette Saint Ville Senior Lecturer Geography Food and nutrition security policy in small island developing states (SIDS) of the Caribbean , Inter-institutional gaps in natural resource management , Building nutrition-sensitive value chains in low and middle income economies (LMICs) Contact U.W.I
Mrs. Isabella Francis-Granderson Lecturer Agricultural Economics and Extension elderly nutrition and housing , food security , childhood nutrition , sensory evaluation & composite food product development , cancer , diabetes , sustainable nutrition and food safety Contact U.W.I
Dr. Deborah Natasha Mcfee Outreach and Research Officer Institute of Gender and Development Studies women , gender and trade , women , gender , crime and human security , gender and development , gender policy development and implementation (participatory and alternative) , gender sensitive capacity building for organizational and institutional strengthening , gender statistics and the construction of gender related development indicators , gender and global governance Contact U.W.I
Mrs. Amande Low-Lewis Contact U.W.I
Dr. Govind Seepersad Lecturer Agricultural Economics and Extension Business Administration , Agricultural Plant Science , Agronomy , Agricultural Economics , Business Ethics , Entrepreneurial Economics Contact U.W.I
Mr. Ray Ganessingh The Alma Jordan Library Income-Generating Activities , Space Planning , Open Educational Resources Contact U.W.I
Dr. Patrick Watson Director Sir Arthur Institutue of Social and Economic Studies Social Accounting Matrices (and extensions) for the Caribbean, with applications to poverty, human capital formation and income distribution , Computable General Equilibrium and System Dynamics modeling of the Caribbean Economy, with applications to trade, poverty, income distribution and the environment , Finance (including micro finance) , Financial markets in the Caribbean. Contact U.W.I
Dr. Krishpersad Manohar Lecturer - Applied Thermodynamics; Heat Transfer & Renewable Energy Resources Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Environmental Engineering Contact U.W.I
Dr. Martin Hughes Lecturer Food Production Ruminant/non-ruminant nutrition and production systems , Pasture/forage agronomy and Utilization , Non-destructive tools for nutritional evaluation of feedstuffs , Energy and protein metabolism and utilization in ruminants , Herbage intake, grazing and digestibility assays (in-vitro) , Precision pasture management and utilization , Mitigating GHG emissions from ruminant production systems Contact U.W.I
Prof. Raphael Heffron Dean Dean's Office Energy law , Economics , Low-carbon economy Contact U.W.I