Mr. Daren Sajivan Dhoray
IT Officer - Web Master
Campus Information Technology Services
Design , Digital Anthropology , Cyber Safety , Green Spaces , Plant Walls |
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Dr. Shelene Gomes
Ethnography , Life history , Migration , Cosmopolitanism , Women and agency , Transnational Caribbean |
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Dr. Basil Anthony Reid
Pre-colonial archaeology of the Caribbean , Caribbean archaeology and geoinformatics , precolonial Caribbean farmers and Caribbean heritage , Forensic Anthropology , Forensics in the Caribbean , Geographic Information Systems (GIS) , Remote Sensing , Resistivity Surveys |
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Dr. Dylan Kerrigan
Lecturer - Anthropology and Political Sociology
Behavioural Sciences
Anthropology , Political Sociology , Criminology |
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Ms. Jo-Anne Michelle Tull
Creative and Festival Arts
Cultural Anthropology , Development Economics , International Economics , Arts Administration , Cultural Studies , Carnival Studies , Festivals Development , Cultural Enterprise Management and Development |
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Dr. Gabrielle Hosein
Head of Department
Institute of Gender and Development Studies
Governance and Politics , Indo-Caribbean Feminisms , Sexualities , Ethnography , Ethnicity , Social and Cultural Anthropology , Gender Studies , Political Anthropology , Indigenous Studies , Feminist Theory , Gender and Development |
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Dr. Levi Joseph Gahman
Lecturer - Human Geography
Cultural Anthropology , Race , Ethnicity and Politics , Political Economy |
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Dr. Allan Patenaude
Lecturer - Criminology
Behavioural Sciences
Social and Cultural Anthropology , Qualitative Research , Program Evaluation , Social Theory , Criminology , Criminal Justice , Juvenile Justice , Prisons , Probation & Parole |
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Dr. Doreen Joy Gordon
FSS - Sociology,Psych &SocWork
Inequality , Social Stratification , The Body , Health , Climate Change , Climate Justice , Household Food Security and Nutrition , Economic Livelihood , Education , Gender and Identity |
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