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Search Term: " Analytical modeling of the high frequency vibration of anisotropic structures. "

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Scholar Research Interests Collaborate/Partner with UWI
Dr. Richard Adesh Bachoo Lecturer in Applied Mechanics Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Vibration Isolation , Design and analysis of vibration energy harvesters using piezo-laminated structures. , Modeling flow induced and acoustically induced vibration in piping systems using computational fluid dynamics and the finite element method. , Vibration transmission in offshore structural frames. , Analytical modeling of the high frequency vibration of anisotropic structures. , Noise and vibration control. Contact U.W.I
Dr. Michael Ferguson Toussaint Lecturer History Imperialism Contact U.W.I
Dr. Dorian Mark Noel Lecturer - Finance Management Studies Risk Measurement and Modelling , Quantitative Finance , Empirical Market Microstructure and Alternative Investments Contact U.W.I
Vivian Alexander Lecturer School of Education Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) , Hierarchical Linear Modeling , Structural Equation Modeling , Item Response Theory , Applied Measurement Contact U.W.I
Dr. DIPTIRANJAN BEHERA Senior Lecturer FST - Mathematics Interval and Fuzzy Mathmatics , Computational Mthods , Fractional Differential quations , Structrural Anallysis , Optimization Problems , Non-linear differential equations Contact U.W.I
Prof. Indrajit Ray Professor Civil and Environmental Engineering Advanced concrete materials , Durability of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)-concrete composites , Sustainable construction material Contact U.W.I
Dr. Ted Serrant Adjunct - Open Campus Education as a development strategy , Education in emergency with focus on natural disasters , High performing, high poverty schools , Nonacademic supports and their impact on academic performance Contact U.W.I
Dr. Trevor Anthony Townsend Senior Lecturer Civil and Environmental Engineering Transit policy and operations , Traffic Management , Econometric modeling , Logistics , Project Planning , Quantitative Analysis Contact U.W.I
Dr. Richard Patrick Clarke Lecturer - Structural Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Structural Dynamics , Earthquake Engineering , Nonlinear Analysis Contact U.W.I
Dr. Sureshwar Pandey Director (Ag.) - Senior Lecturer School of Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry , Analytical Chemistry , Pharmacology Contact U.W.I