Dr. Samuel Gbenga Shafe
Clinical Medical Sciences
psychiatry |
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Dr. Rohan Gautama Maharaj
Professor of Family Medicine
Para-Clinical Sciences
Mental Health , Public Mental Health , The Consultation and Communication , Alcohol Policy , Alcohol Advocacy , Non-Communicable Disease , Ageing |
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Dr. Sandra Reid
Senior Lecturer - Psychiatry
Clinical Medical Sciences
Addiction Medicine , Psychiatry , Public Health , Sexuality , Drugs , HIV , Gender , Alcohol |
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Dr. Mohanchan Shastri Motilal
Senior Lecturer - Family Medicine
Para-Clinical Sciences
Use of Technologies in the GP Office , Minor Procedures in Primary Care , Clinical Trials , Artificial Intelligence , Biostatistics |
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Dr. Olivia Bravo
Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication (CARIMAC)
brand communications , strategic communication , media consumer behaviour , teaching and learning communication , experimental research design , qualitative research |
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Dr. Paramanand Maharaj
Lecturer - Radiology
Clinical Medical Sciences
Radiology |
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Dr. Randy Seepersad
Behavioural Sciences
Poverty , inequality , relative deprivation , deportation , youth crime and justice , penology , psychology and crime , philosophy of science , quantitative analysis and research methodology in the social sciences |
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Dr. Tracy Ann McFarlane
Senior Lecturer
FSS - Sociology,Psych &SocWork
social inequalities and health , immigrant adjustment , positive marginality , heritage identity , race/gender/social class/sexuality , sexual and reproductive health |
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Dr. Tonya Haynes
Institute for Gender and Development Studies Nita Barrow Unit
Caribbean feminist thought , Caribbean feminisms , online feminisms , feminist intellectual history , gender and diabetes , Black women and diabetes , Sylvia Wynter |
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Dr. Scott Neal Timcke
Lecturer - Communication Studies
Literary, Cultural & Communication Studies
Political Economy & Social Inequality , States & Markets , History & Social Theory , Race, Class & Nationalism , Ethics & Exploitation , Narrative Historiography , The Social Study of Resource Management , Trans-Atlantic Relations , Coercion Elements of Labour Regimes , The Sociology of Knowledge , War & Conflict |
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