Intimate Labours: Return Migrants and Caregiving for Ageing Parents in Trinidad and Tobago [In progress]
This project centres the ongoing experiences of first-and second-generation return migrants to Trinidad and Tobago from various locations who have chosen to re-migrate to care for ageing parents. Emigration from the Caribbean to economically wealthier states across the Global North and South, which require labour (and often cheap labour) remains an important route to improvement for persons and families. With ageing populations in many middle-income developing countries, such as Trinidad and Tobago (World Bank 2010; UNDESA 2017), caring for ageing parents becomes important not only to the state and how it allocates resources for this population, but also for children and families. The project will delve into the everyday, structural and affective experiences of 'highly skilled' returnees in Trinidad and Tobago.
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