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Pushing Students towards Ebooks: A critical look at usage, awareness, and perceptions and the impact of Covid-19

Martina Mendoza, Adrian Kellman, Patricia Baptiste, Arlene Alleyne-Regis Journal 22 full.pdf

Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJA) Journal


No. 3


Purpose: This research, conducted at The University of the West Indies Open Campus (UWIOC), investigated graduate students' awareness, preference, usage and the challenges faced when discovering, accessing and using ebooks. The study also examined the adoption of an epreferred collection development policy in light of the COVID-19 pandemic environment. Design/Methodology: Data was collected using an online survey, which was administered to students enrolled in graduate programmes during the months of June and July 2020. Survey Monkey was used in the design, delivery and data collection for the online survey. A self-designed questionnaire containing twenty-one, mainly open-ended questions was employed. Findings: The results showed that students opted for a hybrid collection but preferred ebooks over print, suggesting that an epreferred collection development policy is a valid option for libraries operating in a distributed environment and in the environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Research limitations/implications: This study would have been enhanced if a mixed method approach had been employed. A focus group or interview would have given further insight into students’ choices. The population size for this survey may have been impacted by a generally low enrolment during the summer period. Originality/value: There is limited published research on the adoption and use of ebooks in academic libraries in the English-speaking Caribbean; this paper attempts to help fill this gap. Theoretical/Practical/Social Implications: The geographically distributed nature of the UWIOC has meant that an epreferred policy for ebooks was the realistic option for the OCLIS to provide resources to the UWIOC community. This became even more apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: ebooks; epreferred policy; online learning; COVID-19 pandemic; Caribbean academic libraries.


Library and Information Association of Jamaica (LIAJA)


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