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Conference presentation: Convenor of an inter-disciplinary panel “Mobility, Imagination, and Integration within the Circum-Caribbean / Movilidad, imaginación e integración en el Circum-Caribe.” Caribbean Studies Association 43rd Annual Conference. Havana, Cuba. 4th-8th June 2018.

This panel will present ethnographic and case study approaches to Caribbean migration and mobility. The relevance and continued significance of the socio-structural historical conditions of the culturally diverse modern Caribbean will foreground the contemporary experiences of geographically and diasporically located Caribbeans/West Indians. Imaginative overtures for reshaping self, community, and society at local-global levels in relation to migrant integration and institutional exclusion and inclusion will be presented in terms of subjective expressions of belonging. The intersections of sexuality, gender, race, ethnicity and nationality in crafting new identities across everyday and ritual spheres in these detailed accounts will engage with educational initiatives, culture contact, and social production within Caribbean movement and migration.


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