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Search results for.."Nonlinear dynamics":

  1. Varietal dynamics and yam agro-diversity demonstrate complex trajectories intersecting farmers’ strategies, networks, and disease experience more..


    Penet, Laurent and Cornet, Denis and Blazy, Jean-Marc and Alleyne, Angela and Barthe, Emilie and Bussière, François and Guyader, Sébastien and Pavis, Claudie and Pétro, Dalila

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  2. Quince Duncan's Literary Representation of the Ethno-racial Dynamics Between "Latinos" and Afro-Costa Ricans of West Indian Descent more..


    Paulette Ramsay

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  3. Health impact and resilience dynamics with COVID-19 in the Caribbean (in press) more..


    Landis, R.C., Theodore, K., LaFoucade, A., Lalta, S.

    Contribution of > INBOOK


  4. Computational fluid dynamics assessment associated with transcatheter heart valve prostheses: a position paper of the ISO Working Group more..


    Wei, Zhenglun Alan and Sonntag, Simon Johannes and Toma, Milan and Singh-Gryzbon, Shelly and Sun, Wei

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  5. The influence of wind-driven currents on the circulation and bay dynamics of a semi-enclosed reefal bay, Wreck Bay, Jamaica more..


    Maxam, Ava M. and Webber, Dale F.

    URL: 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.02.007

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  6. Modeling land cover dynamics to assess the sustainability of wetland services: a case study of the Grand Lake Meadows, Canada more..


    Shodimu, O and Al-Tahir, Raid

    Contribution of > INPROCEEDINGS


  7. Detection and characterization of debris avalanche and pyroclastic flow dynamics from the simulation of the seismic signal they generate: application to Montserrat, Lesser Antilles more..


    Zhao, J and Mangeney, A and Moretti, L and Stutzmann, E and Calder, ES and Smith, PJ and Capdeville, Y and Le Friant, A and Cole, P and Luckett, R and others

    Contribution of > INPROCEEDINGS


  8. Microgenetic analysis of young children’s shifts of attention in arithmetic tasks: underlying dynamics of change in phases of seemingly stable task performance more..


    Voutsina, Chronoula and George, Lois and Jones, Keith

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  9. Temporospatial dynamics and public health significance of bacterial flora identified on a major leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) nesting beach in the Southern Caribbean more..


    Phillips, Ayanna Carla N and Coutou, Johanna and Rajh, Stacy and Stewart, Neville and Watson, Antonio and Jehu, Adam and Asmath, Hamish and Dziva, Francis and Unakal, Chandrashekhar and Holder, Ridley and others

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  10. Articles (in alphabetical order by authors) Effects of log export ban policy and dynamics of global tropical wood markets on the growth of timber industry in Ghana more..

    Amoah, M and Becker, G and Nutto, L and Bergseng, Even and Vatn, Arild and Boman, Mattias and Elsasser, Peter and Meyerhoff, Jrgen and Montagn, Claire and Stenger, Anne and others

    Contribution of > ARTICLE
